Call for Papers - Special focus: Expanding access to care and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs

July 2014

Outline abstracts (300 word maximum) are invited for contributions to a forthcoming special issue of The International Journal of Drug Policy on expanding access to care and treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among people who inject drugs (PWID).

The Journal invites three types of contribution:

  • Research papers based on empirical research (3,500 words, maximum 6 Figures/Tables)
  • Social research papers based on empirical research (5,000 words, maximum 3 Figures/Tables)
  • Review papers - particularly systematic reviews (4,000 words, maximum 6 Figures/Tables)
  • Policy analysis (4,000 words, maximum 4 Figures/Tables)

(For other formatting requirements, please see IJDP guidance for authors at:

PWID represent the core of the HCV epidemic in many countries. HCV-related disease burden continues to rise and a vast number of HCV-infected PWID remain undiagnosed and unlinked to care. Control of HCV infection among PWID will rest on the strategies designed to achieve high HCV screening rates among PWID and link individuals into care. The Journal is interested in papers that explore expanding access to care and treatment for HCV among PWID across the following themes:

  • Enhancing testing and assessment of HCV infection
  • Settings and strategies to improve HCV treatment outcomes
  • Strategies for achieving universal access to HCV therapies
  • Enhancing prevention through treatment

We are especially interested in receiving papers based on empirical research and/or analysis from all geographic regions including from lower, middle income and transitional countries. We also will feature the inclusion of consumer voice/s in this collection.

The deadline for submission of outline abstracts is 1st September 2014. Interested authors can contact the Guest Editors directly at any time to discuss their proposed submission.

Queries and outline abstracts (300 word maximum) should be e-mailed to Jason Grebely at [email protected]

Full submissions are due on 2nd January 2015.

The special issue will be published in 2015, coinciding with INSHU 2015: The 4th International Symposium on Hepatitis C in Substance Users (October 8-9th, 2015 to be held in Sydney, Australia).

Please forward onto your networks of those you feel might be interested in contributing.