
Professor Paul Dietze, Amy Kirwan, Shelley Walker


Burnet were commissioned by Windana to evaluate whether the implementation of an orientation program at the therapeutic community has improved client outcomes and staff satisfaction. 


The research will aim to assess how well the existing TC program functions from client reception through to program completion and beyond. Data analysis will explore:

- Program quality and effectiveness

- Retention rates at different stages of the program (admission, two weeks, start Phase 2, start Phase 3, program completion) including factors associated with retention and unplanned discharge

- Factors associated with program completion

- Longer term outcomes post-discharge 

- Staff safety and morale

Who Will Benefit?

Windana staff and clients


Principally primary qualitative data collection, with some secondary data analysis from service provision


Ethics approval received October 2018, data collection commenced early 2019.


2018 – 2020


For more information relating to this project, please contact Amy Kirwan: